Our Team


Managing Director

Young Entrepreneur interested in natural materials

Our whole team is women based working environment and work closely as like a family members. All  members are from nearby villages.

The Pondicherry which is currently called as Puduchery was ruled by  French and they generally call it as French colony and has various cultural and regional faces in the world.

Mixed with several peoples belief and thoughts. The road and building structures resembles several French place houses and buildings.

“Incenses burned made up of synthetic chemicals can cause cancer ” is the article sparked and triggered the partners to build products which are 100% pure and natural materials.

So made Research and Development in making 100% natural products, after several failures in designing a proper fragrance and methods they could achieve the target set finally. Tested the products in international testing companies and got certified through ICEA that we are 100% natural Incense manufacturer.

Mrs Renuka

Production Manager
