Frankincense Back flow Cone

Frankincense Back flow Cone

  • Natural aroma and smell sweet,suitable for home relaxing. The shape of blackflow cones are conical hollow, used with incense burner
  • Work well with every type of backflow incense burners
  • To have a perfect ornamental effects,please burn the incense cones in windless conditions.Enjoy the pleasure when tasting the tea,reading,yoga with an incense burning
  • Use cone incense for your prayers or while meditating or relaxing. It will unquestionably boost up your confidence,create an encouraging environment and purify the atmosphere while spreading the lingering aroma all around
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Frankincense oil has been found to distinguish cancerous cells from normal bladder cells and suppress cancer cell viability. However, frankincense smoke produces a psychoactive substance, trahydrocannabinole, which helps to expand consciousness. The essential oil of the frankincense possesses antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, sedative, uterine, and vulnerary therapeutic properties. In Ayurvedic medicine Indian frankincense (B. serrata), commonly referred to as 'Incense Cone' has been used for hundreds of years, for treating arthritis, healing wounds, strengthening the female hormone system, and purifying the atmosphere from undesirable germs.