Leamon Grass Incense Cone

Leamon Grass Incense Cone

  • Long lasting and heavenly aroma Cones are seamlessly created for offering enticing and lingering aroma around the area. It not only uplifts the ambience of a room but also cheers you up.
  • Use cone incense for offering your prayers or while meditating or relaxing. It will unquestionably boost up your confidence, create encouraging environment and purify the atmosphere while spreading the lingering aroma all around.
  • Easy to use and safe incense cone create encouraging and inviting environment which boosts vitality and divinity. using it on everyday basis can eradicate all the negative energy and help you attain your spiritual goals in a peaceful and relaxed manner
  • Convenient to use and easy to light up, these cones are worth every single penny. Gift it to your near and dear ones and let them feel the utmost of tranquility.
  • 0% Checimals / Bamboo Free / Charcoal Free / Handcrafted in india / Long Lasting Fragrance
  • less smoky and spreads aroma around by a single cone

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Its crisp and citrusy lemon-like base notes and sweet upper tones revitalizes your tired body and mind, helps cure fatigue and brings joy. Phool lemongrass incense cone is widely used in aromatherapy for its strong rejuvenating and uplifting properties. Lemongrass incense has a fresh, clean scent that can help enhance your mental awareness. It is great for spells that involve mental clarity, focus, and intelligence. It can also help to open your psychic awareness and promote visions.Scents arouse significant responses in our brains and can instantly remind us of past events, people and emotions. We can be transported back to ancient Egypt, to Springtime in Japan – or anything within our own memory banks.


"The good feelings are just a moment away. ."